Mental Health & Wellness Weekend | April 11-13

We’ve been busy since our last post – collaborating with Integrative Medicine Undergraduate to film Escape Fire, collaborating with Yogis at Yale to explore different contemplative practices…but our biggest collaboration yet is this weekend!

The inaugural Mental Health & Wellness Weekend is ten events, workshops, and speakers designed to foster thoughtful conversation about mental health at Yale, build skills for resilience, and promote a campus culture where students feel empowered to take care of ourselves and each other.

It’s sponsored by the Coalition for Mental Health & Wellbeing at Yale, a collaborative effort of more than a dozen student groups working on mental health and wellness at Yale, of which YMindful is one!

We can make Yale a healthier place for ourselves and each other – it starts with the conversations you have with your friends, and with yourself.

I hope you’ll pick one or a few events that sound interesting and explore!

Aggregated MH&WW Flier

A New Take on Love


When we think about love, we think about romantic love- it’s for one person, it gives you butterflies, it keeps you up at night, it makes you crazy, it can make you feel like you’re on top of the world and it can also make you feel like you’re at rock bottom. However, what we often forget is that there is also this other kind of love: selfless love- it can be for yourself, your friends, even strangers or those who’ve wronged you. This type of love is unconditional and it brings nothing but pure joy. How can one experience this type of love? Come join YMindful as we explore how to cultivate selfless love!

Bring yourself, your friends, or a significant other! All are welcome!

Meditate on Pumpkin Pie – a YMindful Study Break!

Meditation is all about learning to stop, so what better way to practice at Yale than with a STUDY BREAK!? When we break the inertia of our habitual hurrying, we can experience the delights and miracles that eluded our awareness but have been there all along.

Emboldened by the success of Mamoun’s and Meditation last year, we’re upping the ante with fifteen minutes of festive fall treats, followed by fifteen minutes of meditation in the wondrous Harkness Shrine. It’s a bite-sized break for busy people. Newcomers to meditation are decidedly welcome!

Poster - Study Break Fall 2013

Meditation for Midterms – w/Yale Sangha!

A Sangha is a body of Buddhist practitioners. YMindful is religiously unaffiliated, but we’re excited to spread the word that Yale has a Sangha! They meet every Thursday at 7 PM in the Buddhist Shrine, located in the 1st floor of Harkness Tower.

We’re honored that the Yale Sangha has invited us to do a workshop with them. This Monday, October 7, from 7-8 PM, in the Buddhist Shrine, we’ll lead discussion and practice around Meditation for Midterms, geared towards stress reduction and rejuvenation. We hope to see you there!

YCC Day of Relaxation!

Taking time to relax is important – both for your well-being and your productivity. Join YMindful for deep relaxation, one of many soothing events of YCC’s Day of Relaxation!

April 4, 2013 | 8-8:45 PM | Breathing Space (Welch, entry C, basement)

Newcomer Orientation

No meditation experience? No problem. Join us this Sunday, January 27 for an hour of meditation and discussion specifically oriented towards newcomers! 2:30-3:30 PM in the JE Dance Studio (under entryway I, near the common room). Any questions? Contact us at